What is eating my cabbage?!

A quick jaunt to the garden this morning uncovered a mystery. One of my cabbages has something munching on it. My first thought was maybe a monsterous cabbage worm, but there isn’t really any poop around or in it so I’m thinking maybe it is becoming a snack for something larger. Do squirrels eat cabbage?!

6 responses to “What is eating my cabbage?!”

  1. happening to me too… same exact way… did you ever figure out what was eating it…


    1. I never did find out for sure, but we’ve had issues with earwigs chomping on things lately. Maybe they were also the cabbage culprit?


    2. They aren’t being eaten, they’re splitting . Too much water or fertilizer. Do a search for splitting cabbage heads for ways to prevent it.


  2. There is nothing eating the cabage, its axcess of water and over rooting


    1. Here in Colorado excess water isn’t usually too much of an issue, especially since I didn’t have any drip lines in place yet when this happened. Also, this was a full head of cabbage one day, and the next it looked like the picture, so it happened very quickly which led me to think it was an animal or pest, though we never did get a definitive answer. 😄


  3. I would also like to know the answer to this problem. Every year, right when my cabbages are about to be the size of being harvested, they get chunk of their heads eaten overnight. It’s definitely overwatering split as the chunk of the cabbage head it gone, not just split open. I thought it was raccoons, so I put a bucket over the cabbage and placed big rocks on it, and without moving the bucket or rocks, the cabbage was eaten, one day 20% and next day it was gone 50%. The bucket did have gaps from the soil that could allow a rat or squirrel to get in, but not a raccoon. But then the question is, how did a rat or two eat 50% of the cabbage in just a couple of days? I have installed a camera to monitor the situation but I have not found anything yet. Here is the pic of one of my damaged cabbages https://photos.app.goo.gl/aooLAUTztdKvFmvh7
    Unless you know whats eating it, you cant really control it and this is bugging me since last 3-4 years 😦


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